Hey wine lovers! We have something special to celebrate – Scott Harvey Wines has hit the big
Scott Harvey just wrapped up his 50th harvest, showing he's been a force in the wine world for
a solid 30 years before he and his wife Jana decided to start their own adventure. Scott is a true
pioneer of Amador County, and it shows in every bottle.
Scott’s focus has always been on some of the best varietals from our region: Barbera,
Zinfandel, and Syrah. But lately, we've expanded our white wine selection quite a bit. If you're
looking for something light, refreshing, and low in alcohol, we’ve got you covered. And Scott will
always have a Riesling in the lineup, a nod to where his wine journey began in Germany as a
high school exchange student. His time there gives the wines a unique European flair you won’t
find in most Amador wines.
When you visit Scott Harvey Wines, you’ll be greeted with a warm smile and great conversation
by our tasting room manager, Franklin Keihl. Our tasting room is not just about exceptional
wine; it's about the experience. Many locals pop in not just for a tasting or a glass, but to catch
up with Franklin. It's no wonder people call it the "Cheers" of Sutter Creek.
We invite you to come and join us, soak in the warm country hospitality, and raise a glass to 20
fantastic years and many more to come! Cheers!